061-381-0000 061-381-1367         biblecoll@hanmail.net


설립자 인사

Greetings from Founder




Global Christian Dream School  

In the Last Days, we need people to declare to the world, "Think God, Thank God". We need real Christians to seek the righteousness of God beforeany temptations and threats. The real Christians should seek the unseen mind of God before seeing worldly temptations.
For these missions, Global Christian Dream School was founded in 2011. I have the vision that the students in this school will be the global competent persons for the Christian world. I want to meet a lot of people whom I can share my vision with in this school. I hope we can together realize the vision through the grace of God and the love of God. I want to bring up the students who are willing to carry out these visions and missions in this school. "In the Last Days, to the Last Calling" we can go together, praying and supplicating for our children's bright futures. We can give our children the global vision and dream as the very real Christians.

Founder, Hines Lee







Global Christian Dream School
Gwangju Bible College

Chemolee Lab Corporation

Shin-chon Development Co.


PHONE: 972-986-2000




EMAIL: hlee1279@gmail.com

Hines Lee   
Founder and Board of Director


Biblical Conference of the Corporation Body of the Presbyterian
Church in Korea, Board President (2019 – present) 

Gwangju Bible College, Korea, Founder and Board of Director

Global Christian Dream School, Korea, Founder (2011–Present)
Chemolee Lab Corporation, Irving Texas, President (1985–Present)

Shin-chon Development Co. Dallas Texas, President (Present)
Korean American Institute for Human Rights, President (2005-2006) 

Dallas Korean American Scholarship Inc., Dallas Texas
Founder and Board of Director (1988–Present) 

The 2001 Presidential Support Committee of Texas Korean Society, Dallas Texas, President (2001-2002)
Non-profit organization for supporting George Bush in 2001 Presidential Campaign

The Korean Human Right Association, Dallas Texas, President (2000-2001)
Non-profit organization for protecting fundamental human rights

TheKorean Society of Dallas, Texas, President (1998–1999)
Non-profit organization for the Korean community in Dallas

NationalKorean-American Chamber of Commerce in America, Assistant Board of Director (1990-1991)
TheGreater Dallas Korean American Chamber of Commerce, Dallas Texas, President (1989-1990)
The Chamber of Commerce of the Korean community in Dallas area

Mostek Co., Dallas Texas, R&D Engineer (1979-1982)
Designed computer memory cells.


University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 1979
Bachelor of Science - ElectricalEngineering

Southern Methodist University, Dallas Texas 1983
Master's program (Non-degree) -Electronics Engineering



Vietnam War Veteran (1968-1969)
Participated as an Interpreter for KoreanArmy